Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why one should not wear baggie pants!

Friday most of my students were gone on a field trip. I had a few in one class and they were playing the card game spoons, but using markers. They were being pretty aggresive with this game. At one point, there were about 4 girls playing and 2 boys. Someone grabs a marker, and for some reason, they just don't grab a marker, the boys dive into the middle. They are both small boys, thankfully. One of them dives and then the other goes in. Well in the process of diving, he lost his pants!!! Thankfully not boxers! However no one else realizes except for me and another student who are watching from a distance. He is laying on the ground with his butt in the air for approximately 30 sec, finally I have to call his name, and ask him to PLEASE pull up his pants!!! He was rather embarrassed, but I informed him, that is why we wear close that are our size, not 4 sizes to large!!!

This has been a really good week! My grandmother had knee replacement surgery on Thursday, and is doing good. She is suppose to get out tomorrow! Please pray for fast recovery and for her coaches to have patience as O.P.S. is something she is diagnosed with (by her family at least)!!!

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