Wednesday, July 7, 2010


On Friday, my best friend Amber was having a bad day, so I did what best friends do and went to Tomball and surprised her. It was such a great needed girls night. We cried and laughed and just had fun. She has been at camp for a month, so we have not really talked or anything. We decided about 11:30 that night, we really wanted to see the sunrise on the beach, so we went to bed. At 4 am we woke up and drove to Galveston to see the sunrise. It was gorgeous, pictures are below. It was such a peaceful place to be as very few people were out and it was nice just to stand and appreciate God's artwork for us! I never seem to take the time and enjoy his beauty. Hope you enjoy.

Of course we had to have the fuel to get home after waking up at 4 am!


  1. Not sure why all my text are linked to my first picture, not even sure how I did that! Oh well, hope you enjoy!

  2. God rained down sweet blessings on the two of you! A*W*E*S*O*M*E!
