Monday, August 12, 2013

We are all moved in!!!

I guess it has been a really long time since I have updated this!  Well we got all moved in a settled in the house.  We all enjoy the extra space, it has become the perfect place for D to work on tumbling.  We had a 2 gentlemen come help us move out of the kindness of their hearts!  They will never know what they did for us!

So I have to share how God showed himself to me tonight.  I was really struggling with feeling worthless.  I mean T does not want to be seen with me at ALL and I was feeling that for D I was just a location for her to stay so she can stay in contact with friends and family.  I mean will they ever love me, I don't care if they appreciate what has been done or anything, but will I ever be more then Ms. Moreland to them.  (Yes! They still call me that!). I started reading scripture, I needed something.  I was reading James 1 and came to the last verse and it says 

"Religion that God our Father accepts aspire and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world".

These 2 are not orphans, however, to me it is the same. They have parents who are alive,  but cannot take care of them.  So even though some days are tough, it is my job to take care of these precious children (who some days, don't seem so precious).  I do love them, and enjoy getting to spend time with them.  They are your normal teenagers, I can rest assure of that!  Parenting is just still not normal to me.  :-). One day it will be, but today was not my shining moment.  I am sure I will have plenty more of those days to come.  

One thing I can always be sure of and we all can is God's love, his will, and that his scripture is always there and full of truths.  

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Preach it, girl!
    Please know that teens not wanting to be seen with their parents is NORMAL (whatever that is), and being home-base is being a normal parent. Just as God is your home-base and loves you unconditionally, the kids know that you love them, and feel safe and loved enough to be themselves. What a wonderful example you are to them of God's love and guidance in your life. You are doing a GREAT job, and I am so proud of you! I love you, and am praying for you and the kids, daily.
