Tuesday, January 20, 2009


At work today, we took our students to the gym to watch the inauguration. I was completely dreading this, not because I didn't want to see it, but because I was taking my WORST group down there to watch it, and I had to sit with them! This is a class of 14 boys and 5 girls (poor girls). I was expecting the worst, since they were terrible in class. However they were not to bad :) One student really impressed me though, he was really trying to listen to what was being said, even though he didn't understand most of it. He did understand when the prayer was being said though. He bowed his head for the prayer and was elbowing people around him to remind them to bow their head. When people were talking during the prayer, that really made him mad. He was hushing them and then leans forward and tells me "they are being very disrespectful, he is praying!" It was really nice to see him worried about people respecting Christ, even though he has NO respect for most people. We are working on that though! He has made big jumps from last year!

1 comment:

  1. Thats a pretty big deal!! Is this the same kid that "You love" :)
    ps...i love you
