Sunday, June 16, 2013


Parenting is the most challenging thing I have ever done in my life!  I teach kids this age, why is parenting them so much harder?  I don't know the answer to that question, but can testify it is.  I mean you only have a class for 50 minutes, you have kids for a life time. 

Parenting is challenging because I simply don't always know what to do.  I don't know what is best for these 2 children God has trusted to me.  I know that I want them to one day fall in love with Christ and have a relationship with him.  I want them to strive to do great things in life, I want them to be productive citizens, I want them to be kind, considerate, caring, and loving people.   As I was reminded in church today, I am not a perfect parent and they are not perfect children, nor will any of us every be.  It is my job, to demonstrate a life that is surrendered to Christ. 

Surrendering everything to Christ, is not easy for me, I would like to assume it is not easy for anyone but who knows.  I don't know why it is not easy, I mean how many times does God have to show me how much he loves me, and how his will for my life is more than my little will, will ever be.  He is King of Kings, the Great I Am.   I am simply Cara, the imperfect Cara. 

Things have gotten so much better here at the house, not that we will not have our rough days, or that they will never test me, but it just has simply been better. 

D (the girl) is into her Kindle and texting, but she is caring, loving, and just wants to know that she is loved and treasured.  T (the boy) well he is all boy, he loves music, picking on his sister, but so protective of her.  He can also be caring, but in his "manly" way, he also wants to get connected and feel loved.  He however is afraid because as soon as they do, they normally get taken away.  He has let some of his guards down, and is allowing himself to get closer to others.  They both love to sit right on top of you and be right beside you at all times. 

I will never understand how people can allow worldly things to come in the way of their family.  It amazes me and makes me so angry.  People allow their selfish ways to effect other people. 

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